
An average of 300 people are injured and 80 people are killed each year by lightning in the United States. To protect the campus community, the university has installed a Thor Guard Lightning Prediction System that will sound a warning when atmospheric conditions are favorable for lightning. Horns will sound for approximately 15 seconds, and the system lights will continue to flash until the danger is past. When the danger has passed, the horns will sound three blasts for five seconds each, and the lights will turn off.

When the warning is sounded:

  • Cease outdoor activities.
  • Seek shelter inside a building or automobile.


  • Open areas, places near water, trees, metal fences, overhead wires or power lines, as well as elevated ground or open vehicles.
  • Use of radios or cellular phones.

Safety Tips to Remember

  • The best source of information during a thunderstorm is your local news, radio stations and any NOAA Weather Radio.
  • The 30/30 lightning safety rule: Go indoors if, after seeing lightning, you cannot count to 30 before hearing thunder. Stay indoors for 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder.

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